
Thursday 31 August 2017

Our trip to Stardome!

Today Room 27 and Room 24 took the big white and blue school bus to Stardome. We lined up in a beautiful straight line outside and waited for everyone so that we could go inside. First we sat on the mat and waited for John to tell us what we were going to do. Next we walked into the dark space room together. John told us about the shining stars, the hot sparkly sun, the grey moon and how they all work together to make day and night. After that John gave each group a blue and black iPad to do the quiz outside in the gallery. We had to read and search for the right answers. Some of us got them all right!
John said, "Your time for the quiz is over. We are now going to take a seat in the squishy, soft chairs so that we can watch an exciting movie."
We could not wait!
When the movie started some of us felt like we were spinning around and around in our rocket space chairs. We had to look up to watch the astronaut movie and some of us were so comfy we started to feel sleepy.
The movie was 16 of ours favourite part of the day!
Sadly after the movie we had to go back to Point England School, but we had such an awesome day!

Thank you to all our whanau who helped us today!

Written by Room 27